Atwood Water Heater Ignition Control Module 91365-OS

$110.10 $82.55
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Atwood / Dometic Water Heater After-Market Ignition Control Module 91365-OS


Known Under / Replaces / Supersedes:

MICRO 51N-12-3-3-7-10-0-P23062




To view / order the Atwood / Dometic supplied version please click onto this link: 91365

Please Note: A change was made to the board in 5/09. The connection is no longer a direct slide card connection to the board edge. It now has a row of pins to connect the wire harness to the board. The ignition board kit now comes with the board adapter 92074 for the older style connection or you can add the upgraded harness 93315 from the option box above.

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