Coleman Air Conditioner Model 9224A779 Capacitor Kit
Kit Contents (links in blue if available):
Item#6 Run Capacitor (link): 1499-5731_____________________________________________________
Coleman Air Conditioner Model 9224A779 Parts List
*Not Shown* Screw, Nut & Washer Kit (link): 6792-5111
Item#10 Fan Blade (link): 1472-5021
Item#1 Overload 1450-0181 NLA
Item#3 Blower Motor (link): 1468B3239
Item#9 Blower Wheel 1472-1181 NLA → (Use P# Link: 1472A1181)
Item#6 Run Capacitor (link): 1499-5731
Item#5 Fan Capacitor (link): 1499-5461
Click The Down Arrow To View Complete Parts List
Item#4 Start & Device Cap. Kit (link): 9333-9021 NLA →(Use Part# Link: 8333A9021)Item#11 Gasket Package (link): 8332-3301
Item#16 Fan Grille 9233B3151 NLA Individually
Item#20 Compressor Mount Kit 1450-9811 NLA
*Not Shown* Condensate Pump 9233-5091 NLA →(Use Part# Link: 49233-5091)