Please Note:
All Suburban Serial Numbers manufactured after January 1990, will be nine digits. The first two (2) digits signify the year of manufacture. The next set of digits, indicate the week of the year and the remaining digits are serial numbers.
For Example: Even though numerically higher, 912000060 is lower than serial number 014103973 due to the year of manufacture.
Kit #1 (Above Serial Number 012003642)
After-Market Blower Motor (link): 232684-NBK 20565 (OEM Version NLA)
OEM Blower Air Wheel (link): 350129
OEM Combustion Wheel (link): 350184 (New P# 521235)
Kit #2 (Below Serial Number 012003642)
After-MarketBlower Motor (link): 233102MC (Old P# 231707MC) (OEM Version NLA)
OEM Blower Air Wheel (link): 350129
OEM Combustion Wheel (link): 350184 (New P# 521235)