Please Note:
All Suburban Serial Numbers manufactured after January 1990, will be nine digits. The first two (2) digits signify the year of manufacture. The next set of digits, indicate the week of the year and the remaining digits are serial numbers.
For Example: Even though numerically higher, 912000060 is lower than serial number 014103973 due to the year of manufacture.
Kit #1 (Below Serial Number 012003642)
After-Market Blower Motor (link): 233102-NBK 20512 (OEM Version NLA)
OEM Blower Air Wheel (link): 350129
OEM Combustion Wheel (link): 350184 (New P# 521235)
Kit #2 (Above Serial Number 012003642)
After-Market Blower Motor (link): 232684-NBK 20565 (OEM Version NLA)
OEM Blower Air Wheel (link): 350129
OEM Combustion Wheel (link): 350184 (New P# 521235)
*Not Shown* Blower Motor And Wheel Kits (link): 233102 or 232684 / 350129 / 521235
Item#2 Thermostat, White (link): 161154
Item#2 Thermostat, Black (link): 161210
Item#6 Duct Cover (link): 050733
Item#7 Duct Collar (link): 050715
Item#9 Manifold Assembly (link): 171596
Item#11 Orifice (link): 180222 Below S/N 021206467 (NPT Threads)
Item#11 Orifice (link): 180308 Above S/N 021206467 (Metric Threads)
Item#12 Burner Access Door Gasket (link): 070811 Below S/N 094101431 (New P# 525010)
Item#12 Burner Access Door Gasket (link): 071263 Above S/N 094101431 (New P# 525031)
Item#22 Electrode (link): 231898 Below S/N 921403895
Item#22 Electrode (link): 232166 Between S/N's 921403895 and 934701426
Item#22 Electrode (link): 232286 Above S/N 934701426 (New P# 525009)
Item#22 Electrode (link): 232286-OS Above S/N 934701426 (New P# 525009-OS)
Item#23 Burner Assembly (link): 010865
Item#23 Burner Assembly (link): 010865-OS
Item#26 Gas Valve (link): 161133 Below S/N 921403846
Item#26 Gas Valve (link): 161070 Between S/N's 921403846 and 971303163
Item#26 Gas Valve (link): 161122 Above S/N 971303163 (New P# 525044)
Item#31 Vent Cap & Exhaust Tube Assembly (link): 260553
Item#32 Intake Tube Assembly (link): 051248
Item#34 Front Half Combustion Air Housing Assembly (link): 390852
Item#37 Rear Half Combustion Air Housing Assembly (link): 390848
Item#38 Combustion Air Wheel (link): 350184 (New P# 521235)
Item#39 Firewall Gasket (link): 071084
Item#40 OEM Motor Assembly (link): 233102 NLA Below S/N 012003642
Item#40 After-Market Motor Assembly (link): 233102-NBK 20512 Below S/N 012003642
Item#40 Motor Assembly (link): 233102MC Below S/N 012003642
Item#40 OEM Motor Assembly (link): 232684 Above S/N 012003642
Item#40 After-Market Motor Assembly (link): 232684-NBK 20565 Above S/N 012003642
Item#42 Front Half Room Air Blower Housing Assembly (link): 390872
Item#44 Rear Half Room Air Blower Housing Assembly (link): 390851
Item#45 Sail Switch (link): 230509 Below S/N 924201894 (New P# 525024)
Item#45 Sail Switch (link): 232261 Above S/N 924201894 (New P# 525003)
Item#48 On / Off Switch (link): 232351
Item#50 OEM Ignition Module Board (link): 521099
Item#50 After-Market Ignition Module Board (link): 521099MC
Item#50 Dinosaur Electronics Ignition Module Board (link): FAN50PP
*Not Shown* Wiring Kit (link): 520832 (to convert to new 3 try ignition board)
Item#52 Room Air Blower Wheel (link): 350129
Item#57 Firewall Gasket (link): 070808
Item#59 Limit Switch (link): 231630 Below S/N 921403896
Item#59 Limit Switch (link): 232504 Above S/N 921403895 (New P# 525006)
*Not Shown* Gasket Kit, Complete (link): 520799 NLA
*Please Note* All Suburban Serial Numbers manufactured after January 1990, will be nine digits. The first two (2) digits signify the year of manufacture. The next set of digits, indicate the week of the year and the remaining digits are serial numbers.
For Example: Even though numerically higher, 912000060 is lower than serial number 014103973 due to the year of manufacture.